Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I'll let you know when I bump into me.

I arrived in Ubud last night. After settling into the little room I'll be staying until Thursday, I wandered out into the streets to look for some supper. It was a beautiful rainy evening and the granny at the place where I'm staying very kindly lent me her umbrella. It was wonderful walking through the drizzle, dodging the traffic and just generally being along and free. I love how I can make my own decisions about where I want to go, decide when I want to walk the streets and when I want to take a nap after all the walking. What an absolute blessing!

With this freedom also comes those whispering thoughts in my head...what on earth are you actually doing here? What do you expect to find amidst this mixture of peace and chaos? I'm not really sure actually. I tell everyone that I'm here to find myself, as everyone seems to understand this cliche. Apparently I'm in Bali, somewhere in the rice paddies or perhaps at the Yoga Barn... I'll let you know when I bump into me.

I set out this morning to find a more permanent place to stay. I'm glad I started this project today as so far I realize that it's not very easy. Everyone seems to finding themselves in Bali. I convinced myself to take a break and have just had a delicious salad at a lovely little restaurant called Alchemy.

Earlier I met an American guy on the street, his wife is South African and they've been staying in Bali for awhile. And now, I'm going to his house for dinner! Already Marko has given me the courage to talk to everyone I meet - asking their advice on places to stay and generally being friendly. We all know that the connections that you make with people are the ones that take you places!
Before I end off for today I want to share some photos of the little paths I walked looking for a home. It's the most amazing thing, you don't think this path will take you anywhere but then it just goes on and on and you find yourself in the most beautiful of places. I'm not the most accomplished of photographers, and these photos in no way capture the beauty of the moment in which I took them. You cannot hear the noises or smell the smells or be there,  by looking at these photos...but they're a small visual taste of what I experience.


  1. Amazing! What are the chances of you meeting a guy on the street with a South African wife??? And now off to dinner! This adventure is off to a brilliant start. I always wanted to run away so I could "find myself". Brava you for doing it! I'll be reading.... and the photos are lovely. I have walked that path, too!

  2. I am filled with joy reading this! What a beautiful journey :) stay in the rice paddies for a while... I love how much green life surrounds you xxx

  3. Darling girl, we are dancing in the rain with you, photos are gorgeous.... I can smell thru my eyes ;-)) .....
    Enjoy each moment of your bliss.
    X mom
