Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Retirement and a Big Truck

Since realising that I wasn't living my passion, I have become extremely interested in watching other people do what they love to do. It's almost as if I'm proving to myself that it's possible and then showing myself the many ways of how it can happen. 

When John and I went to Malawi I had more of these experiences, watching how individuals had created their lives along their own individual principles and values. I loved meeting fellow travelers and finding out their story, how they got to be where they were right now and what happened along the way. I also couldn't help but think that we had crossed paths just at the right moment for me to see and learn something new.

In Cape Maclear we met three sorts of travelers, the Peace Corp kind who live for a year in a village with the locals, the Dutch kind who have taken their kids out if school to travel Africa for a year, and then possibly by favourite, the retired British kind, who are travelling the world in their huge overland truck. 

The third of these travelers came in the form of a lovely couple, who at retirement bought their huge truck and began their travels, which have taken them all over the world. Of course I was struck by all the places these two have been, but mostly I enjoyed their bravery, their openness and their belief that the world was a good and friendly place. Indeed, this was how they had experienced it, because as John had suggested, they were kind, friendly and open themselves. They were just as interested in our story as we were in there's, and there is nothing better than a conversation that goes two ways. I don't think I'll ever forget these two individuals, and I'll never forget their story of being invited for tea and cake at the Turkey/Iranian border. 

I wish I had taken their details and asked to be put on their mailing list - I'd love to know where they are now and what they are doing.

 Which country have they stopped in and where are they drinking their morning tea?

 What do they see through their windscreen as they follow the roads of the world?

Our two brave friends and their big truck.

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